Silverlight / HTML5?

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ardjan's picture
Joined: 03/28/2011

I just got aware of the following blog entry:

In the upcoming default browser in Windows 10, 'Edge', ActiveX and therefore Silverlight are not working anymore. I am currently unsure if IE11 will still be available in Win10, but are there any considerations about moving from Silverlight to HTML5 or other frameworks (Java?)

An added pro would be that CachEye will also work on Linux. I don't know if it worked on Mac with Silverlight (never tried it), but on HTML5 it should work on any modern browser...


x020377's picture
Joined: 11/02/2010
+1 Support for Silverlight is

Support for Silverlight is also announced to disappear in Google Chrome, so I guess it is time to do something with this site? As I love it, I would hate to see it disappear!

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