
2 replies [Last post]
geobill's picture
Joined: 02/10/2010

How do you clear all cache markers from the map after you are done with them?
Thanks for the help.

geobill's picture
Joined: 02/10/2010
Thank you for the

Thank you for the information.

cbba's picture
Joined: 10/22/2009
Clear Caches

If you want to clear all caches from your map you have to check the "Clear map before ... " when you are loading new caches to your map. This causes only the new content to be shown on your map.

If you added markers with the "GoTo -> Markers -> Add a marker" function and these makers are to be cleared, you have a "delete"-button in the flyout menu of each marker. Another way to do this, is to use the "GoTo -> Markers -> Edit mode ON" and to delete these entry from the menu.

cbba (Team CACH'EYE)

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Geocaching Cache Icons Copyright 2012 Groundspeak Inc.
Used with Permission.