Home brew GPX files
Presently I manage my lists of caches with some hacked up Perl code. I generate a set of gpx files which contain cache coordinates, solved puzzles and other waypoints, then copy those to my GPSr when I'm going out. I also generate kml files which I use to preview things in Google Earth.
I'd like to try using Cach'Eye, but when I try to upload one of my GPX files it breaks. Sometimes the webpage just disappears, whilst at other times I get a Silverlight exception.
Please can you tell me if there's any specification for format which Cach'Eye understands ?
Also, it would be handy if I could upload files in the same way the GSAK does it. Is that API documented ?
Thanks in advance.
Using the Import-dialog CACH'EYE currently only supports
PQ-ZIP-FIles, GPX and LOC-Files as provided by Groundspeak.
The second way to populate one's personal map is to use our GSAK macro.
We are sorry, but we do not support any API at the moment.
cbba (Team CACH'EYE)