Support of the new 1000 Caches Pocket Queries
First if want to tell you that this is a really nice and helpful site! Thanks!
This spring groundspeak introduced the new pocket queries which may generate 1000 caches. These queries result in files of around 8 MB, but cach'eye only supports file uploads of a maximum of 5 MB. As all my predefined queries are of the new "1000-caches" style for my Oregon I would run out of queries due to the limit of 5 queries a day. Support of file upload limit 10 MB would really help.
There is a simple way to overcome this restriction: mark the checkbox "Compress files into *.zip format" when defining your pocket query. When you import this zipped file I suppose this to work properly. During the testings we never saw a pocket query which was bigger than the limit which is set in our environment.
cbba (Team CACH'EYE)