Printing your maps!

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cbba's picture
Joined: 10/22/2009

There is only one appropriate way to print out your CACH'EYE map:
You have to use the „Printer“-Button provided by the CACH'EYE application. You can find this button when you activate the „ToCo-List“-flyout-menu on the righthand side of your screen.

Although this button resides in this menu you can also use it without a ToDo-List defined:
-) In fact you can use the "Preferences"->"Display", ... and all combination of filters to define the content of your print.
-) Next you have to use the "Printer"-Button in the "ToDo-List" flyout-menu.
-) Adjust the size and position of your window (this can be done although the "Print preview" window is in the foreground"!)
-) Klick the print button.
Working this way the "Focus" functionality can NOT be used, but all the filters form the "Preferences" menu which can be applied take effect.

On the other hand you can define a ToDo-List of all caches you want to send to your printer.
-) Having all your wanted caches on your Todo-List you can use the „Focus“-Button.
-) Now all caches which are not on the list but are visible are minimized.
-) Next you have to use the "Printer"-Button in the "ToDo-List" flyout-menu.
-) Adjust the size and position of your window (this can be done although the "Print preview" window is in the foreground"!)
-) Klick the print button.

Using the print function of your browser will give unpredictable results!

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