limit the number of caches

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lillfiluren's picture
Joined: 04/09/2010

I have recently had some help from the guys in the GSAK forums to create a macro that limits the current GSAK filter to xxx caches. I inserted this snippet into the MyCacheEye macro to make sure it never exported more than 3000 caches:

MACROFLAG type=clear range=all
$_sql = "UPDATE caches SET macroflag=1 WHERE $_Where ORDER BY $_OrderBy LIMIT 2900"
$status = Sqlite("sql",$_sql)
MFILTER where=macroflag join=AND

I think it only works in GSAK7.7

Feel free to include it in the standard MyCachEye macro

Thanks for a great service! This beats the "Google maps with clusters" macro I used to run from GSAK!


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