
  • Popups: Cache, Waypoint, Marker
  • Coordinates: Correction of the original coordinates
  • ToDo-List: Which caches do I want to find next?
  • Map: map type and coordinate format:
  • Search: search options
  • GoTo: navigation
  • Views: individual views
  • Add View: add a new individual view
  • Marker: personal marker
  • Add Marker: add a new marker
  • Preferences: what should be displayed on the map?
  • Import: cache import into CACH'EYE
  • ?-menu: information about CACH'EYE
  • Mini Map: overview map

    cache popup Cache popup:
    1. Cache name: with a click on the name the GC listing will be displayed
    2. Cache owner
    3. GC code and cache type
    4. Difficulty, terrain and size of the cache
    5. Cache coordinates
    6. Cache date
    7. Current GCVote (average) and number of votes
    8. Approximate cache altitude
    9. Actions:
      Focus Focus: to zoom in on the cache and all belonging waypoints
      Add to ToDo-list Add to ToDo-list: to add the cache to your ToDo-list
      Measure distance Measure distance: to measure of any distance from the cache
      Corrected coordinates Corrected coordinates: to display a new mask, where you can enter the corrected coordinates (not available if imported from GSAK!)
      Log Log your visit: to display the GC site, where you can directly enter your visit
    10. External Maps: to display the cache on other, external maps. Bing Birds Eye, Bing Street Side, Google Road, Google Aerial, Google Street, Google Terrain und Map for Free are supported

    Waypoint popup Waypoint popup:
    1. Waypoint name
    2. Waypoint coordinates
    3. Approximate waypoint altitude
    4. Actions:
      focus Focus: to zoom in on the specific waypoint and all belonging waypoints
      measure distance Measure distance: to measure any distance from the waypoint
    5. External Maps: to display the waypoint on other, external maps. Bing Birds Eye, Bing Street Side, Google Road, Google Aerial, Google Street, Google Terrain und Map for Free are supported

    Marker popup Marker popup:
    1. Marker name
    2. Marker coordinates
    3. Approximate marker altitude
    4. Actions:
      edit marker Edit: to edit the marker (modify name, coordinates or zoomlevel)
      delete marker Delete: to delete the marker
      measure distance Measure distance: to measure any distance from the marker
    5. External Maps: to display the marker on other, external maps. Bing Birds Eye, Bing Street Side, Google Road, Google Aerial, Google Street, Google Terrain und Map for Free are supported

    correct coordinates Corrected coordinates:
    With a click on Korrigierte Koordinaten in the cache popup this mask is displayed to enter the corrected coordinates. This feature is not available for caches imported from GSAK: these coordinates have to be corrected within GSAK!
    1. Original: The original coordinates of the cache
    2. Corrected: Here you can enter the corrected coordinates. With a click on Fly to you get there directly
    3. Delete Corrected: to delete the corrected coordinates

    ToDo-List ToDo-List:
    Caches can be added to the ToDo-List with a click on add to ToDo-List in the cache popup or simply by drag & drop. Caches on the list are also numbered to the cache map.
    1. Actions for particular caches
      Fly to Fly to: to "fly" directly to the cache
      Log Log your visit: to display the GC site, where you can directly enter your visit
      delete cache Delete: to delet a cache from the ToDo-List
    2. Actions for the ToDo-List
      New ToDo-List Create new list: to create a new ToDo-List
      delete ToDo-List Delete list: to delete the current ToDo-List
      Focus Focus: to zoom in on the caches included in the ToDo-List
      print ToDo-List Print: to print the ToDo-List
    3. To switch between multiple ToDo-Lists
    4. To fade the ToDo-List in and out

    Map type and coordinate format:
    1. Classic Map: Which kind of map should be used as basis for the cache map?
      • Bing Maps Road: the cache map will be displayed as a street map
      • Bing Maps Aerial: the cache map will be displayed in aerial view
      • Bing Maps Aerial with labels: the cache map will be displayed in aerial view with labels, like street and location names
      • Open Street Maps: the cache map will be displayed as a street map with labels for parking sites, restaurants, hotels,...
    2. Coordinate Format:
      • Decimal Degrees: coordinates will be displayed in decimal degrees
      • Degrees und Minutes: coordinates will be displayed in degrees and decimal minutes

    Search options:
    1. Caches: search caches by cache name. With GoTo the chosen cache will be displayed on the map
    2. Locations: search by location name, mountains, bodies of waters, sights etc. With Search, the chosen location will be displayed on the map

    1. Coordinates: coordinates can be entered in the format N 48.2 E 16.4 or N 48 13.2 E 16 23.45
    2. GoTo: the map will be centralised at the entered coordinates
    3. GoTo and set Marker: in addition to point 2, a marker will be set at this position
    4. Set Default View: the current view will be stored as the default view
    5. GoTo Default View: go to the stored default view

    Views Individual views:
    To quickly change the view and easily locate favourite regions.
    1. Add new view: to add a new view
    2. Edit view: to edit a view
    3. Move up/down: to move a view up or down in the list
    4. Delete view: to delete a view

    add a new view Add new individual views:
    1. Name: name of the view
    2. Original: center coordinates of the view. With a click on Fly to you get directly to the view
    3. ZoomLevel: zoom level of the view
    4. Icon: how should the icon in the menu look? With "Change..." a particular icon can be chosen

    Marker Personal marker:
    Marker can be retrieved quickly on the map via quick navigation.
    1. Add new Marker: to add a new marker
    2. Edit Marker: to edit a marker
    3. Move up/down: to move a marker up or down in the list
    4. Delete Marker: to delete a marker

    add a new marker Add a new marker:
    1. Name: marker name
    2. Original: marker coordinates . With a click on Fly to you get directly to the marker
    3. ZoomLevel: zoom level of the marker

    Preferences Preferences:
    Here you can choose which items will be displayed on the map.
    1. Cache Types: here you can choose which cache types will be displayed on the map
    2. Display
      • Show Caches: Die exportierten Caches werden angezeigt
      • Show Waypoints: the imported caches will be displayed
      • incl. N/A: the imported waypoints will be displayed
    3. Other Filters: caches with the chosen characteristics will be displayed
      • Avg.GCVote: filter by the average GCVotes
      • Min.GCVote Count: filter by the minimum count of votes
    4. GCVote Settings: When the option "disable loading GCVotes" is not checked the current GCVotes will be loaded on the cachemap (disabled by default).
    5. Print: to print your ToDo-Lists
      • No Map: Only the list will be printed as a table
      • Portrait Map: in addition to the list the chosen map section will be printed in portrait format
      • Landscape Map: in addition to the list the chosen map section will be printed in landscape format
    6. Save Changes: changes will be saved
    7. Undo Changes: changes will be undone

    Import Import:
    Depending on the browser you use, there are two ways of direct import:
    1. Internet Explorer und Chrome: GPX-, ZIP- oder LOC- files can be dragged on the map easily by drag & drop to be imported
    2. Other browsers: press the import button to choose the files you want to import

    Hilfe ?-MenĂ¼:
    1. Help: link to this site
    2. CACH'EYE Website: link to the CACH'EYE website
    3. About: brief information about CACH'EYE

    Mini-Map Mini-Map:
    The map section in the right upper corner of the cache map shows an overview of the current region.
    1. To fade the Mini-Map in and out
    2. The current coordinates of the cursor

Copyright Notice

cacheye (c) 2009-2012
Geocaching Cache Icons Copyright 2012 Groundspeak Inc.
Used with Permission.