Chrome printing issues

1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 12/04/2010

I'm having the same problem with Chrome that another cacher is having with Foxfire. I can see and print my maps fine when I'm using IE. However, if Chrome is my default, all I get is a blank page. I used your suggestion in the Firefox response and opened the ToDo list and clicked on the printer there. It tells me there are no caches in the ToDo list. If I select caches, then it works. However, there are times that I have many, many caches I wish to print on the map and adding each to the list would add significantly to the time I want to spend. It's quicker to make IE my default and use it. However, I should be able to do the same thing with Chrome. Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks.

Bild von cbba
Beigetreten: 10/22/2009

It is enough to put only one cache to the ToDo-list.
Without using the Focus-Button you will have all your caches on your printout.

Hope this helps

cbba (Team CACH'EYE)

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