[ERROR] HTTP Request failed - source: activeWP and more...

1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 11/01/2011

your program its very cool, but i cant use it
im premium user, and i can entered whith my name and pass... its work very good
but the problem appears when the program want to load my data
A window says:
"Application Startup has failed. Press L or F8 to see the log."
when i press F8 i saw
[INFO] Upload XML request completed.
[INFO] Maps XML request completed.
[INFO] HTTP Request for Upload, filename: maps.xml
[ERROR] HTTP Request failed - source: activeGC
[ERROR] HTTP Request failed - source: unavGC
[ERROR] HTTP Request failed - source: activeWP
[ERROR] HTTP Request failed - source: unavWP
I try to enteded whith another browser and Pc, but the problem its the same
help me!

Bild von cbba
Beigetreten: 10/22/2009
HTTP Request failed


It seems that the file you tried to upload caused some trouble in your account.
So in fact there are no Caches on your map to be displayed. Please import a new set of caches to load your map either via API, ipmorting a PQ-File or running the GSAK-Macro.

In such cases a new population of your map with the "Clear map" option checked corrects the problem!

cbba (Team CACH'EYE)

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cacheye (c) 2009-2012
Geocaching Cache Icons Copyright 2012 Groundspeak Inc.
Used with Permission.