can't load new pq

6 replies [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild von logsplitter1
Beigetreten: 09/27/2010

Starts to load then I get a message Client requests time out. ?

Bild von dc1iag
Beigetreten: 02/18/2011
Fast connection, small&zipped GPX, but still "time out" :-(

Since yesterday evening I couldn't load any new PQ into CACH'EYE. Especially at this moment I have a very fast connection and the PQ I tried to load several times is just a few kB with around 20 Caches.
Each try I get the message "Client requests time out" :-(
I tried with Firefox as well as with IE-Engine: No difference.

Bild von cbba
Beigetreten: 10/22/2009
"time out" error

We are currently investigating this issue!
For small files it should be ok now after you got the "time out" error caused by a big file.

So there still is the possibility to get this error with big files.
But afterwards smaller files should work fine!

cbba (Team CYCH'EYE)

Bild von dc1iag
Beigetreten: 02/18/2011

Yes, now it work again :-) Thanks! Nice Tool!!!

Bild von erwinchen
Beigetreten: 11/26/2010
gpx Query from GC Tour

get the error message "client request timed out" when I try to import gpx file from gc tour. The gpx contains 14 caches, so it is no matter of size. Any idea?
Thanks, Erwinchen

Bild von cbba
Beigetreten: 10/22/2009
Wrong GPX

This question is answered in the separate thread "gpx Query from GC Tour"!

Bild von cbba
Beigetreten: 10/22/2009
Loading PQs

This may happen sometimes with rather big files and slow connection (especially if the files are not zipped). Unfortunately there is nothing we can influence with our software.
The only thing you can do, is to try it a again another time, when there is lower network traffic or load your PQ files in zipped format, which is recommended by groundspeak too.

cbba (Team CACH'EYE)

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